The term Internet meme (pronounced
/miːm/) is a new word used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person via the Internet.I have been tagged by Jan at
http://pinkhousepages.blogspot.com/ to do this and pass it on.The rules of this Meme are:
1. Go to the fourth folder on your computer where you store photos.
2. Select your fourth picture (no exceptions).
3. Post the picture with a story and a link to the person who tagged you.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
This is a pic of my favorite guitarist Stef Burns from Huey Lewis and the News. This was taken this last summer when he just released his new solo Cd. It was at a cd release party in Benicia, CA at ABC Music. He is holding a cake that someone had made for him to celebrate.
My 4 taggees are...
Wendy ( my sister)